Saturday, 15 March 2025

Foreign intervention in the Very British Civil War

 Yesterday we had another VBCW game using Bolt Action 2nd edition. Again it was a big table game to allow us to try out vehicles and tanks. The table was more rural than in the last game. The forces were the Leverpool Free State against German paratroopers and mountain troops with a panzer one for support. A most enjoyable game was had but I forgot to take photos as I got absorbed in the tabletop situation. Here are a few l took-

German mountain troops have acquired transport in the form of a steam lorry. They are supported by German paratroopers on foot. This was near the start of the game.
Again early in the game. The German tank advances supported by infantry. German infantry and support weapons advanced through and round a field of crops.
The LFS improvised armoured car has just destroyed a German mortar team. The LFS are defending doggedly a field surrounded by a stone wall. Meanwhile a German flamethrower sneaks forward…
The LFS brought into action a T26 ( a gift from their friends in the Soviet Union) which fired on the panzer  one ( who had advanced to command the crossroads, leaving its supporting infantry behind) and missed!
In the end I conceded as most of my units had taken heavy casualties. An enjoyable game. Next game will be a 1940 Homeguard one…


  1. Gee - that Pzkfw I was lucky - a T26 is like a Tiger compared with the early German panzers!
    Nice looking table, terrain and figures!

  2. These new fangled machines! Can't rely on them!
