It has been good to be off at half term. The weather has left much to be desired but I have got things done and been out and about a bit.In to Edinburgh a couple of times and up to St Andrews etc.The 18th century Bordurians are moving on and I am quite pleased with them .There are now 40something( number not age that is) balkan irregs to paint which are undercoated and ready to commence.
I have finally finished the film "Gods and Generals" and really enjoyed it. I was most taken with Stonewall Jackson and when funds allow I intend to invest in a biography of him .I have now started "Gettysburg" which arrived the other day and have begun to watch it- missing Jackson already! I played a lot of ACW gaming in my uni days using Johhny Reb 2 which worked well and gave an excellent game too. I am tempted to dip a toe in this period again. I played " Brother against Brother" a few years ago but didn't like the mechanisms really at all.We shall see...
I am resolved too to get some games of Basic Impetus in. My LBA Scandinavians are still to be given their first game. Hopefully soon. I don't really like unhistorical opponent games ( no Charles the Bold versus Sumerians for me- that 's fine if it is your thing but it isnt mine) so it is really my fault!
I have been rereading Thomas Burnett Swann - looking out the book you see depicted here which I got circa 1978. I have soo enjoyed this tale embedded with Greek mythologies once more. If you haven't read any of Swann I urge you to do so. I you have read him it is worth returning to again.
Fired up by such reading I began to plan a Basic Impetus army based upon Greek myths such as dryads ,centaurs etc. I used the Internet to research this most pleasantly. However having found useful figures I am confronted with £6 a centaur or worse. I know they are lovely figures,someone has to design,cast and make a living but it does not make for an affordable hobby I fear . This plan will have to wait I fear!!!!
Oh by the way there seem to be a variety of BI fantasy rules out there - a tad confusing. But those centaurs are lovely....
I hop you enjoy the weekend whatever you do.Off for annual flu jab today and then begin the process of getting my mind into a work mode again!