Friday 17 February 2017

Unpacking etc

My washing machine arrived today,was installed and is currently working away in the background as I type. My 42 mm Franco Prussians arrived yesterday. They arrived thus-
Here are of some of them unpacked-
BTW any reading suggestions on the period?I read Michael Howard as a teenager.Are the Ospreys the most economical source of uniform information?


  1. Tradgardmastare,

    Those are seriously good figures ... and I am very envious!

    The current Osprey books on the Franco-German War are very good, and are well worth buying.

    All the best,


  2. That'll keep you off the streets this weekend! As regards books I'd also suggest An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Military Uniforms of the 19th Century by Digby Smith et al.

  3. What a day. I am impressed by the figures..... very tempted by 42mm Irregular stuff.

    1. Oh about Germany's Army and Navy of the 19c by Gustav Sigel?

  4. Exciting! Lovely figures. I too envy your windfall. Enjoy!

    Best Regards,


  5. That's a most substantial box, and judging by the last two photos, full of treasures. The figures look great. I am sadly an ignoramus on the FPW but defer as in all things to the good judgement of TimG and BobC.
    Happy washing!

  6. Ospreys are OK for uniforms, but they have become a bit pricey. I would do Google Image and Pinterest searches for "1870 uniforms", "French Army 1870", "German Uniforms 1870", etc. (Alternate wording will get you different replies for some reason.) You will get many, many different uniform pictures, and it won't cost you anything!

    Best regards,

    Chris Johnson
