Friday 11 August 2023

FE Perry article (2)

 And the next-


  1. Ah yes, Ross Perry and Ken's articles had a huge influence on my wargaming. I really longed to see a detailed account of the battles fought in Caspia. Instead, I have had my own 'mixed era' games and made my own reports on my blog. The bit about Mark Anthony's men marching off somewhere gave me the idea for one of my imagi-nations - Patra. Caspia also exists as a, sometimes rebellious, province inside Fezia.

    1. I am sure Perry would be delighted with the fact he has been such an influence to you and many others.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Thanks for reprinting more about these fascinating F E Perry games. I can see where F E Perry and Quantrills Toy Soldiers see eye to eye on this interesting Dr. Who’s The War Game mixed era experiment.
    Modern gamers might call this assymetric warfare sending lightly armed colonial natives / troops against mechanised ordered modern armies but it happened frequently such as Mussolini in Abyssinia, Vietnam etc. Even arguably the Maori Wars etc.were asymmetric.
    For those interested, (H G Wells and) F E Perry was a big influence on our 54mm friend Brian Carrick and his Big Wars article that in 1982/3 was probably my introduction to FEP before I found The Second Book Of Wargaming / Book Two

    1. Would the game of islands in floor play have an asymmetric warfare aspect to it?
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. My pleasure
    Alan Tradgardland
