Saturday 19 August 2023

That was the week that was…

 The Black Dog has been biting hard this week. I have attempted to stave him off. Due to his appearance l have had to cancel next week’s holiday to Bruges ( got less money back than I would have liked) as well as an upcoming wargaming weekend. It was less stressful to cancel than fret about them. Friday saw me having to cancel a Zoom game. Disappointing, but there it is.

I did go into my guiding this week, didn’t want to let folk down. It proved a positive experience though l really didn’t have the energy for it. I enjoyed sharing the murals with visitors and engaging in fascinating conversations with those new to the subject as well as with fellow enthusiasts.

My youngest got Covid but was expected to work, seems a tad odd to me.It has hit her hard but she has got through the week. My middle’s worldly good arrive from the far South West Friday afternoon.

I have tried to take projects forward hobby wise but without much success. I started watching series one of  “ Detectorists” and got pulled into this gem of a programme. I think l have joys ahead of me…

A  parcel arrived with these-

I think they have lots of potential. Here they are with 28mm figures but would work well with 54mm ones too.
Just ideal for late 17th century gardeners and plant collectors.
Hopefully next week will be better…


  1. Sorry to hear about the Black Dog visiting Alan. Hope the brute leaves soon.
    The Covid thing is a worry, if people are expected to go into work. I read of a new variant that is already on the rise. Hmm!
    Ah, but Detectorists. You are right, it is a joy of a programme. I'm sure many of us hobbyists can relate to it. And non-hobbyists too. Absolutely love it.
    All the best.

  2. Sorry to hear, Alan. The plant pots look great, and would work well for VBCW too.

  3. So very sorry to hear the black dog has struck again, Alan, and wrecked your plans. I hope you manage to emerge again soon from its grip.

    Disturbing that your daughter was expected to go into work with Covid; the signs are that we are going to see a resurgence this autumn/winter, partly because of such laissez faire attitudes. The government has also scrapped many of the ways in which we were measuring the impact and progress of Covid: Very worrying!

  4. Sorry to read of your travails Alan, hopefully things improve soon.
    Our (NX) Govt just removed all Covid mandates re reporting, isolating at home etc - we do have record low numbers of cases here and its mid-winter so perhaps that's ok, but asking people to work when they are sick is BS, your daughter should just take sick leave and if they don't like it, her employer can pay for her to go to a GP to confirm she is too sick to work! That is one thing I think may have changed permanently here - far lower expectations on people to just "tough it out" and work even though they are sick.

  5. Bloody hell - (NX) should, of course, read NZ!

  6. Hope you're feeling more yourself and enjoy the weekend
    Are the potted plants originally for Dolls House collectors?

  7. Got a feeling the pesky mutt will push off pronto, & that next week will have you free and fun filled...sure of it, chin up

  8. I hope you feel better this week. A shame about Bruges, it's a really nice place (the film In Bruge is worth a watch). Expecting your daughter to work is more than a tad disturbing, particularly given the news of a new variant. The current government attitude is that of Johnson when the pandemic was getting underway: "the best thing you can do is ignore it". It was good of you to continue guiding, not easy when energy levels are low but it was a positive thing to do and hopefully you got some benefit.

  9. Tradgardmastare,

    I hope that you see him off soon. Mine has been sniffing around ever since I got a date for my radiotherapy, but I’m hoping that once my treatment starts I’ll begin to feel better.

    Keep safe and keep well,


  10. I hope the Black Dog goes away with your efforts to simplify or postpone future trips; this is a very wise and sensible thing to do.
    I’m glad that your Guiding volunteering has provided some distraction or focus.
    The plants are a great and versatile resource for many sizes and game possibilities.

  11. Sorry to hear how things have been... I hope you can shake the mutt of soon! The plants look great... Blotz and Warbases do some mdf greenhouses that they'd look great in.

  12. I hope you can see the Black Dog off soon. Sounds like you are practicing good self-care at least. And those little plants do brighten up the place.

    I agree that it's not on to tell people they should still work when they are ill, whether it's covid or other illnesses. :(

    Best wishes to you and yours!
