Wednesday 15 November 2023

Return to Lurland

 Contemplating a return to Lurland . Bases ordered and the zinnfiguren looked out for sorting…


  1. My own fantasy campaigns have been going on format least ten years.
    I have been adding to my initial maps as new countries enter into war.
    One of the entertaining aspects is creating characters that are divided into Heroes, Clerics Commanders and Wizards. We role dice to determine their various characteristics and powers. Characters usually have multiple wounds and multiple lives. Usually, they have extra attacks and higher Leadership and Initiative. They can be used to strengthen units or to go off on quests.
    All our map moves are secret and tabletop games eventuate from slips of paper in screw drawers (corresponding to hexes) meet each other.

    We have more human nations and also a few non-human. Country borders can change at the end of a campaign. We say that if two or more units have occupied enemy land two moves and still occupy at the end of a campaign that that land is now taken.

    We began with a medieval society but we are now entering 18th century level, except that some nations are still at an earlier level. Patra was ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians but they defeated Fezia, in some border clashes, and so now also have cannons!

    The thing is that we have so many credits to buy our armies. We can still buy earlier types if we want. So Medieval knights in plate armor can still be used alongside musket men. Wizards are also still allowed. Aztecs can purchase dinosaurs to place howdahs on.

    Non-human forces: Necrolia (Undead and monsters), Orcs, Chaos (demons, trolls, mutants and whatnot), Beastmen and Dark Elves.

    1. Interesting indeed, I like the different technologies stuff. In Lurland we have Bronze Age cultures contending with early medieval . Not as extreme/ interesting as yours but a tad similar.
      Alan Tradgardland

    2. Sounds like an interesting campaign. Do you have a blog or anything like that?

  2. Sounds cool (both Lurland and Quantrilltoy's campaigns).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Typical 4 attempts to post and the one that gets through is filled with typos.
    So anyway commented that Ancient imaginations and flats are definitely Bathesque.

  5. Posting can be so vexing at times Mike. I know the frustration well myself. Bathesque is high praise indeed and totally intentional on my part.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Hi Alan I am contemplating a campaign myself. Have collected a reasonable amount of Garrison Hyboria figures. I place gathering Bathesque style campaigns would be a bonus. It can be tricky to find them.
