Yesterday was spent reinstating the siting room. Myriad books were transported,placed lovingly upon the shelves and the final effect was excellent.Furniture was put carefully upon the new oak floor and the room looks great. There will be a quieter time until the kitchen units arrive from Germany and the decorating completed. We hope all will be finished by the commencing of Advent.
Today (like yesterday) the sun was shining and the grass (long abandoned to its fate due to busy household events of late) was given a couple of cuts.My thoughts went to the lawn's potential for fLW gaming next summer- weather permitting. Sadly I employed the petrol mower rather than the scythe depicted in the Swedish painting in this blog entry. It was a good chance to think about the hobby plans for Winter Quarters:
SYW- games with Bill Protz's rules Tradgardland against the forces of the Imperium currently camped upon the border. Basing to be accomplished and magnetic basing to be employed. Units with be raised for the Duchy from figures I have and I think I will invest in some hussars... A small bishopric may also raise forces - funds and energy permitting...
FLW ( have you seen the super "LittleWars" for the 21st Century rules by Paul wright called "Funny Little Wars"- you must have a look as they are inspirational and witty too.) I will continue to collect 54mm Swiss,sorry Army Red/White, expanding into cavalry and artillery by way of some chalets as scenery. I hope to take the army forward into the age of inter-war mechanised warfare with the odd tank and bicyle towed anti tank guns...I must also finish some army lists for Paul too!! I need to think of an oppostion for Army Red /White too. Those pesky Danes also are rather attractive to model too!
Ancients:still unsure about rules but will probably go down the dbm/dbmm route. Also hope to play test some rules which are period specific. As to which army to finish I am ever torn and go between many, completing none! I am currently reading Sidebottom's newish novel and Sumner's super book on Roman military clothing- I fear they will influence my choice of painting...
1938- A very civil war. Vol 1 of the source book really interested me and I am sooo tempted to dive into yet another period. Vol 2 is out very soon. There is an excellent set of "Old School " rules posted on the gentleman's wargame parlour site for this period which are well worth looking at... not to mention going 54mm and employing FLW.
No doubt I will be derailed from my plans. Already I have been thinking about the sunny and saintly Prince bishop of a small bishopric within the Duchy of Tradgardland. An inspirational 16th century map has really caught my imagination and I feel being sucked into this intriguing and colourful city -state.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have fun while the sun shines...