Winter has come to the Duchy of Tradgardland and also Fife...
Sadly no crisp snow but we have been lashed by rain and wind this week. All is sodden,garden like a quagmire and the guinea pigs ensconced in the garage much to the harvest mice's delight I fear!
The trip to the consulatant went really well. She said Jan could not be "in a better place" with regard to how she has responded to treatment! Glorious news indeed as we gear up towards Chemo 4 out of six in around 12 days! We are both delighted and feel surrounded by the thoughts and prayers of many...
I am rather tired these days and all is busy with work and family at the moment. I do bits and bobs of hobby stuff and try to resist buying new lead to add to the already vast unpainted mountain of many years standing. I am trying to do something with my collection of VBCW stuff and keep the D M Cornish,Ny Tradgardland and diverse projects moving forward albeit in small ways.
In Trdagardland I can report that the forces of the Duchy and their arch enemies (The Imperium) have set up camp/winter quarters at opposite sides of the Disputed Valley. Over winter I hope to build up some units of the Towns which lie in the valley- something which I am really quite enjoying in terms of numbers to do and results achieved. I do hope to transfer the details from the old map to a more modern version which will aid campaign movement. Energy and time permitting I am itching to set up a small encounter upon the tabletop just to get dice rolling again and the excitement of gaming too. It seems ages since I had a proper battle, went to the local club or gamed with my regular opponent too. But 20011 awaits and I am hopeful too! Have a great weekend one and all.
Delighted to hear chemotherapy is going well. Hope all goes well in winter quarters. I'm familiar with VBCW, but hadn't realised you'd a project on the go - I'll have to refer back through the blog.
ReplyDeleteNow I come to think of it most,if not all, my postings on vbcw has been at GWP3. Do you dabble in vbcw at all? I am possibly going to do a Welsh nationalist scenario with them aided by Irish forces- I believe the Reiver figures depicting the Trish army are excellent.