Tuesday 14 February 2012

Back home

Perhaps you wondered why my forthcoming game didn't materialise?Let alone the day out in Edinburgh to see the Admiral Cochrane exhibitionI had promised myself. Read on-
Just back from hospital where I was kept in a day and a half with nonemptying bladder probs (first time for everything!) and didn't get much sleep as I was on the Ear ,Nose and Throat ward where the chap opposite snored continually for 12hr.Don't really feel up to setting up a game at present so bear with me.It is great to be home!


  1. I hope that you are well and on your way back to normal, and that you are feeling better than you were.

    All the best,


  2. Alan,

    Having recently been unexpectedly in Hospital myself, I very much sympathize with you.

    I know that I too was very very happy to get home (even though I was still quite ill).

    May your recovery be quick, painless and complete, sir.

    -- Jeff

  3. Sorry to hear of your trip to the local medical facility. I hope you are now sorted out. These things have to be expected as time goes on. I had a similar visit last year and it's not fun.

  4. Hope you are feeling more chipper soon, had to happen in half term didn't it?
    all the best

  5. Hope that the Barber Surgeons were kind? And glad that you are home - best wishes,

    as ever


  6. Sounds rather unpleasant! Hope you are soon 100%. How schools manage to do this to their staff during the hols is beyond me.

  7. Sounds rather unpleasant! Hope you are soon 100%. How schools manage to do this to their staff during the hols is beyond me.

  8. Allan,

    Ouch ! I hope that things are getting better and that the condition is not so uncomfortable as it sounds.
    Good news you are home.

    Get well soon!


  9. It's good that you're back home. Get well and back in fighting trim soon!

  10. Hi Trad,

    I hope you are soon on the mend and are feeling much improved in the meantime.

    All the best,


  11. Hope you have no re-occurence of your problem. Hope you are now fully recovered.

    -- Allan
