Friday 20 December 2013

Duchy update

Friday Morning earlyish..
I have made it through the mountains of paperwork,past bureaucratic swamps and pupils sharing colds etc to the holidays.Yesterday was the last day of term and after Secret Santa ( I was given a Odean voucher to go and see the Desolation of Smaug on Santa- splendid ,thoughtful gift I say) I went into Edinburgh to keep Jan company during her 4th Chemo.The ward is busy so I went off and had a look in the Oxfam and Shelter bookshops in Stockbrigde for a brief period via a free coffee at Waitrose's ( Stockbridge-is that where the AWI Native Americans come from ?Only joking. Fancifully I imagine them in the Colony houses along the Water of Leith) which are excellent.It was a long day for Jan leaving home around nine and back by seven thirty.She is fine but tired after blood count delays  which postponed the treatment over last two weeks.But it has happened and we can all look towards Christmas now.

After a day or so dozing I hope to get some painting and games in prior to Christmas  and will post here accordingly.The picture is as I see the Duchy/here in my mind's eye- complete with Tomte padding about.Off to get more coffee ,have a good day one and all!
Finally, another Tomte picture,this one by John Bauer-
An amazingly evocative artist...


  1. Tradgardmastare,

    Have a restful and very enjoyable Christmas with your family. I hope that you are able to make the most of your break and get some wargaming (or preparation for wargaming) done.

    All the best,


  2. I wish you and yours a peaceful and happy Christmas, and a New Year with plenty of cheer.

  3. A pleasant picture.

    Best wishes to you and your wife and all in Tradgardland! Happy gaming and/or gaming prep! I'm expecting to do a bit myself during the holidays (just a couple of days off for me).
