Thursday 26 December 2013

On the Feast of Stephen...

Today is the Feast of St Stephen and Boxing Day.One of my favourite carols is about the good king who went out on this day.
This is the cover of a book I have of the carol illustrated in glorious woodcuts.It is filled with evocative colour and beautiful pictures.
We had a splendid Christmas here in the Duchy.Jan was good form and able to enjoy the day.Church,fantastic food,festivities,presents in the the company of the family.The evening ended with us all enjoying a dvd together- "Enigma" which entertained  very well.
Amongst my other gifts I got this-
It is a well written primer filled with enthusiasm for the hobby.Inspiring for newcomers and old hands alike.I look forward to reading this.Lead too featured in the presents- delightfully "old school" Garrison figures with elephants/mammoths,archers and bowmen.They will form a small army from Vandhya to join in my ancient gaming using "Gathering of Hosts" rules.
Have a splendid St Stephen's Day one and all!


  1. I am glad you had a great Christmas with your family Alan and a lovely book

  2. I'm glad that you (and especially Jan) had a grand Christmas Day.

    It looks like I will be having a new cycle of chemo coming up in the new year . . . so having been through it before, I know how rough it can be. So I'm glad that your lady had a good day. May there be many more such for all of you.

    -- Jeff

  3. Happy Second Day of Christmas! Looks like you've got some neat things to read and paint in the coming weeks. Glad your family had an enjoyable day too.

    Best Regards,

