Saturday 18 December 2021

Swedish riflemen and goblins for The Silver Bayonet

 Been working on some figures for The Silver Bayonet today. The riflemen are Perry miniatures whilst the goblins are GW snotlings possibly? They came as part of a job lot and l know nothing really of their origins. The bow figures sits nicely on a garden pebble and two others hide behind similar. We shall see what happens when the riflemen encounter them…

A little later in the day and they have moved forward nicely in spite of the Cricket from Australia!


  1. Good to see your work! I'm working on Silver Bayonet as well, and have British, American, and First Nations warbands for North American games. Austrians are on the way for European placed games.

    1. I look forward to seeing your work. How do you define the First Nations for your games?

  2. Fine figures! I’m excited to see more of the Silver Bayonet. Those goblins strike have that perfect silly sinisterness about them that works for lots of different settings too!

  3. These are looking splendid, especially the impish ones!

  4. Also working on The Silver Bayonet using F&IW figures. Just ordered some civilians from Galloping Major, for the preacher figure mainly, but can still use him and the others for F&IW.
    I'll be using Ghouls, Imps, Demons, Skeletons, Ghosts etc from Frostgrave as the monsters

  5. Looking forward to seeing your project move forward…

    1. I was thinking roughly on the same lines as listed except for the artilleryman. Those with muskets as infantrymen or as light infantry. Medicineman as doctor/occultist/supernatural investigator. Sachem as officer. Standout figure as veteran hunter. That sort of thing. Early days. I have quite a few figures but the new parcel from Galloping Major just dropped through the door with the preacher in it. So a good start for the colonists
