Sunday 6 February 2022

The battle continues…

 Some pictures of Friday’s battle. Victory to the Western trained and armed Green Dragon Army. The Blue Dragon Army left the field after half it’s units were destroyed. Big Wars worked well. I look forward to hopefully seeing a BDA victory next time…

The final photo shows the Blue Dragon Army General and his bodyguard surveying the tattered remnants of his army and his victorious opponents. Next time it will be different!


  1. Quite the game and the collection. But I think you are correct and there are reinforcements required... And what if some Western Powers decided to take the opportunity to play one side against the other?

    Time will tell...


    1. I feel some advisers coming on, a few to watch in the company of my Chinese Generals. I wonder if the major powers might get involved, even in a token way, but for which side…

  2. A colourful scrap!
    As Eric says, before you know it, beware, those Western powers will be muscling in ...

    1. We had better watch and see… maybe a naval landing party with gun to turn the tide, who knows…

    2. Beware Chinese warriors and warlords - this is what can happen!

  3. Replies
    1. Sadly, but there is always next time. The losing General has at least one other halberd armed unit and antiquated artillery not used in the game this time.Perhaps he might get some foreign help too…

  4. Those are nice exotic armies that you never see. Hopefully there will be more battles involving them. By the way, I love the natural sunlight shining down on the battlefield. I wise I had a spot where I could light up my battlefields with sunlight.

    1. It was a lovely sunny day which did add to the gaming experience for me…

  5. A wonderful battle Alan, with a very poignant ending. Perhaps the general will learn from his defeat and adapt for future battles? Only time will tell!

  6. The sheer spectacle of the scrap was a visual delight to me. It was terrific fun.

  7. Thanks, who knows what will occur in the next game…

  8. At least with Big Wars. the Blue Dragons have a decent chance of winning.

    A very colorful and attractive game.

  9. Well, something went wrong, perhaps it was my tactics and dice throws. Always next time…
