Thursday 14 April 2022

Conversions for 1838

 After an awful day battling the Black Dog I finally got some peace through converting these 54mm French infantry in greatcoats to 1837 British infantry. The use of hand, eye, drill, knife and glue helped, as it has done before.I had one head left over and tried it on a Napoleonic British Life Guard figure to make an 1837 cavalryman. I know the plumes on the shako are not correct but after all these are toy soldiers so I am not bothered at all. I am looking forward to seeing how they paint up…


  1. Looking good, they should look the part when painted up, look forward to seeing the finished figures.

    1. Thanks. I am quite intrigued how they will look when painted…

  2. Really good work... Toy soldiers of all sorts have lifted me out of the doldrums on many an occasion.

  3. Tradgardmastare,

    Sorry to read that you have had a visit from the ‘black dog’. As someone who also has to deal with visits like this, I know how therapeutic modelling and wargaming can be.

    The figures look great, and you have breathed new life into some that would otherwise been lost or destroyed … and the results are very good indeed.

    All the best,


  4. An excellent start! Tthe mounted figure would make a fine Light Dragoon but could also make a goo Mounted Colonel or General.

  5. I love that period with the bell top shakoes. Most of the conversions will look great. I have to say, though that one of those fellows looks like the witchdoctor shrunk his head and the other that he has a 'swollen head'.

  6. I find that playing around with toy soldiers is one of the best cures for Black Dog syndrome.
