Tuesday 3 January 2023

Possible plans for 2023

 I don’t drive, my late wife said in some ways it was just as well as I was always too interested in the things around me. Looking at that inn sign, looking at the trees , looking at the fascinating buildings, you get the idea. It was true. In the hobby l get distracted too. This morning by the splendid 40mm lotr orcs on Ross’s site. I have forgotten them already, for now! So a few thoughts , reminding myself this is a hobby, meant to be enjoyed and not another pressure in life-

  1. Duchy of Tradgardland 1790 ,  28 mm winter based project. I hope to finish off the two sides ( awaiting some from a painter) and get some bigger unit games in . A few vignettes , simple set dressing too.
  2. I backed a kickstarter for a 28mm Late Judean dbm starter army. Get this painted and on the table. 
  3. Tray bien wee games. I am particularly keen to try the minceheim game with some old school figures. Wee games will include mountain men in 28mm  for example.
  4. Not to add to the lead pile if at all possible by buying lots of new toys which have a passing interest only . Perhaps get a few choice pieces to complete collections. A good rummage in the shed should produce projects needing TLC and finishing or taking forward.
  5. Read the contents of my library and not splash the cash on lots of new books especially as myriad volumes are screaming out to be given the attention they deserve!
  6. Not to be stressed when I do a “butterfly “ and flit around with this and that project. Others are driven, incredibly focussed and put all energy , time and money into one or two projects I am not like that.
  7. Accept that this is only a rough guide which does not need to be adhered too and that by not adhering to it I have not failed or sold myself short.
  8. Just have fun with our wonderful, creative hobby and the excellent folk involved in it


  1. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. It is one of the mysteries of the hobby that it is good to have a focus and it's good to wander where the wind blows. I guess the key as you are suggesting is not to get worked up or feeling guilty about whichever is bringing in the joy. It is a hobby not a nine to five and the only one we have to please [while considering friends] is ourselves. There are no rules except those we impose on ourselves so they need to be chosen wisely and are not a crime if we break them.
    My 2023 is simple because I move house this year so:
    before the move buy nothing new but paint from the lead pile
    after the move spoil yourself as you've earnt some indulgence.

    We'll see,

    1. I agree with the first paragraph and look forward to seeing what you will treat yourself to…
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. I don't have a plan for this year , I'll see where the winds of fortune take me ...

    1. Terrific Tony , that’s a plan. Btw currently can post on your blog comments. Nice to see the Schneider picture and ongoing stuff…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. A solid plan. #6 and #7 being key points in my mind.

    1. Six and seven are indeed key points. I would really like to succeed with four as much as possible.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. All very sensible stuff - I suspect points 4,5,6,7 and 8 apply to many of us, certainly to me! We look forward to seeing your progress on some (maybe even ALL) of these..

    1. Thanks on all fronts. I guess we are all indeed in the same boat. Currently having problems with commenting on your blog …
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. I concur with all of the above - very similar to what I have 'planned' at least!

    1. Thanks. I am currently unable to comment on your blog but am enjoying reading of your plans ahead…
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. Most of this plan applies to most of my life thus far, not just the hobby portion! Unless I have a specific project eg when I created a Swedish GNW collection a couple of years ago, I generally have bits and pieces from several eras on the go at the same time, and that likely to continue. My main issue isn't output, its acquisition and then storage afterwards....the latter may end up curtailing the former in the not too distant future......

    1. Bits n bobs from different periods sounds a plan. I imagine it helps sustain interest and output.
      Alan Tradgardland

  7. Some interesting projects that I look forward to seeing play out on tables and trays big and small and wisely only a few ‘possible’ plans, open to changing events and happy butterfly moments ... who knows where 2023 will take us all?

    1. I do like the idea of “ open to changing events and happy butterfly moments.” very much indeed.
      Alan Tradgardland

  8. I was going to say 5 through 8 sound good to me (but I likely won't follow 5 very strictly :D ).
    I do admire those who have the wherewithal to focus on a small number of projects and get things done. But that's never been me. To quote the great author, "not all those who wander are lost". :D

  9. The great author applied to gaming , very true indeed. I guess we are all different and that impacts the hobby for us too.
    Alan Tradgardland
