The crowds had gathered as the petition was handed in to the Ducal Palace . All had been peaceful and in order- yet the intensity of feeling could not be hidden. In essence the people had quietly , with respect and love for the Duke and his family, made their opposition plain. They just could not get their minds and hearts around the new military organisations and subsequent social change. So ,under the direction and leadership of the Duc de Padirac , the petition had been framed,written and signed by thousands. Then they waited for an answer....
They had to wait for only two days - a proclamation was read across the Duchy saying, that with due care and consideration, the Duke had returned to the status quo with regard to the army. Cheering had broken out which led to scenes of dancing and merriment. The Duchy ( and Duke let it be said ) were overjoyed.
Tomorrow was May Day and Ascension Day too. Mass would be offered for the Duchy as a whole and for the True King over the water in Scotland. Duchess Liv 's chaplain would offer Mass for Von Bergmann -who the whole Ducal family commended to God's safe keeping....