Tuesday 29 September 2020

Resins to be cheerful part two

 Well it had to be titled thus didn’t it! A few photos of the new recruits on parade in Albion.


  1. They look splendid en masse - you'll have to find some suitably large opposition, or are they just for ceremonial duty?

    1. They just tower over 54mm figures. Some of my late 19th Century highlanders are a similar size. I looked on eBay but anything that size seemed about a fiver a go. Any suggestions are most welcome.

  2. They do look great en masse! Colorful, and like something out of an old Zenda-esque movie.

    Chuckled at the title. :0

    1. En masse they are terrific as they arrived . I know what you mean with you Zendaesque comment. Some one has painted a couple of them with brown boots and blue jacket giving them a 1914 French vibe.

  3. Replies
    1. That’s part of their charm for me, they are true toy soldiers and that’s that.

  4. I remember having some larger Cherilea and Marx 60mm single figures in the 1970s. I know they are 60mm, but we ARE allowed a greater leeway when choosing to wargame with traditional toy soldiers, compared to wargame miniatures, thats my view, anyhow. I now have six such figures again, all different, so I won't be raising any units, but I am thinking about painting them up as decorations. If I had your quantity, I would still want to use them in 'traditional' wargaming.

    1. A good point. I was amazed to get so many. I will try them in a game and see how they look...
