Monday 29 March 2021

Books and films

 My youngest isn’t that keen on watching films so in her absence we watched a couple of excellent films over the weekend. The first was “A personal history of David Copperfield “ which was an utter delight and the second “Rebel in the Rye” was a fascinating movie about J D Salinger. I would recommend both. 

Below are a Book and a Magazine I have been enjoying of late. If you are interested in old toy soldiers these are a terrific read.


  1. Those old books look delightful.

  2. Nice looking books. I'm not a collector of toy soldiers, but they do look engaging books.

    1. I collect to game, to give old toy soldiers a chance to fight again. The books are great.

  3. Colourful and animated figures - great to have the book in three languages.

    1. It is a fun aspect for the linguistically challenged like me.

  4. Two excellent choices for reading material. The Hans Roer book is my favorite toy soldier book of all time. It truly fostered my love for old German figures, especially those made by Spenkuch and Wollner. The Die Zinnlaube issue was great as usual. The figure tie-ins with Hansel and Gretel were very interesting. And there are the usual pictures of some very unique sets and figures that make it a wonderful magazine!

  5. It is an excellent magazine and the book is one of my favourites too. Can you recommend any other books Brad with regard to German toy soldiers?

  6. Hans Roer wrote another book, "Bleisoldaten," which is excellent. "Mit Heyde-Figuren um die Welt" by Markus Grein is a nice little book. "Zinnfiguren Zinnsoldaten Zinngeschichte" by Curt F. Kollbrunner and "The Collector's Guide to Model Tin Figures" by Erwin Ortmann are also good books.

  7. I have ordered Bleisoldaten. Thanks for the suggestions.
