Tuesday 9 March 2021

Semi flats

 I am always on the look out for semi flat figures. I got this lot for a reasonable price. I just missed out on another lot which had a semi flat truck and artillery limber with crew attached. The figures I was interested in are those at the bottom of one picture and shown in detail in the other. They are around 4.5 cm in height from head to base. They are interwar Germans and I imagine home castings. They are well animated and the figure depicting the two horses and rider ( to tow what) is particularly charming I think. I would really like to get hold of some more to serve in a Portable Wargame FLW set up. I’ve been buying semi flats for some years now and not seen these particular figures. They are squatter much shorter than my Schneider from around the same period. Any one recognise them?


  1. Morning Alan - attractive figures - have you thought of posting the pictures on the Homecasting Facebook group we belong to as sometimes people share catalogue pdfs etc?
    There is a similar forum on the International Flat Figure Society forum.

    1. Took your advice re homecasting group. I fear these are beneath the Flats Society being the Poundland figures of their day or am I too hard on both?

  2. My first idea was Schneider as well ... the hexagonal base is always something I look for ;-) But the look a bit too coarse to be Schneider's, although with home castings you never know. You can find the complete Schneider catalogues online.

    1. I have Schneider from the same period but they are taller and slimmer. These fellows have a charm though especially the mounted horses which are so much more detailed than Schneider, more akin to zinnfiguren.

  3. Can't help, but nice viewing these old figures.

  4. Hello,
    You can see this mold on zinnbleisoldaten.com in the category HD, that means Heinrich Dietzemann.
    Best regards
