Saturday 13 May 2023

A question etc

 Had a most enjoyable game over Zoom with Brian C using his “Memories of ‘34” rules and MLS figures.

Secondly a question. I recall rules for medieval football and also ones for renaissance football in Slingshot, Arquebusier or  some Wargames magazine. Does anyone remember these or even better have a copy for me to use? 


  1. On the roles, no......but Mirlton make figures for a Rennaissance football game in 25mm......

    1. I’d forgotten them,they looked interesting.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. From my impression of medieval football (based on the tamer folk forms preserved in such crowd events as Rugby? and the Silver Ball hurling at St Ives, Bodmin and St Columb in Cornwall, shutters up on the windows) general Melee Rules with no obvious end point. Town versus Country etc, some nice newsreel footage online

    1. This is the Northlands we are talking about, a tad more civilised l fear. Interesting footage though.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Glad you enjoyed the game as I certainly did. Not football but a possible starting point for a game is Andy Callan's article 'Stone Age Wargames' in Miniature Wargames #11 as it used a subuteo style system with the Airfix figures mounted on upside down beer bottle tops. I used to have figures for it and it was great fun.

    1. I remember the article about that , it looked terrific fun.
      Alan Tradgardland
