Friday 23 June 2023

Honesty of strangers

 Last night the bell went around 22:10. I went to the door and a stranger was standing there with two parcels. He kindly explained that the postman had put them through his letter box and he, the householder, was delivering them to me. 

What the stranger and I had in common was the same house number but in totally different streets with totally different names. I thanked him profusely and was very grateful. This has happened before and I have got other’s mail put through my door  not to mention attempts to barcode mark off parcels and hand them to me. I have had to stop the postman on the way out of the garden and hand the parcel back when I noticed!

This is not an anti postie rant at all. It is just unfortunate and a tad concerning. The situation is not helped b6 constantly changing postmen who hardly get time to know their routes before another comes along. I lament the days of my youth when we had the same postman for years.

Quiet rant over.


  1. The Human Resources mantra is 'change is good'. When I worked as a surveyor for my Local Authority the admin staff where continually rotated to make them all equally competent at every job. You can imagine how well that worked.

    1. ☹️oh brave new world!
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. We seem to be lucky enough to have the same postwoman each day.

    1. Fortunate indeed and I fear a rarity.
      Alan Tradgardland
