Wednesday 4 October 2023

Soldiers of a King

 In light of our chat about Kings and toy soldiers I am posting these pictures l took at Rosenborg Slot in Copenhagen. In the basement of the castle is a series of strong rooms containing the Crown Jewels and other treasures. Amongst them are these gold toy soldiers made for a king’s son -

I can’t find details in books or online but I think they are late 17th or 18th century.


  1. Fascina-BLING! I have read of several silver and gold armies for young emperors in training that did not survive revolutions.

  2. We were in Copenhagen recently and my wife took a picture of them (I went to the military museum!). They were made for Frederik V so roughly in the 1730s. They are Romans and Africans (archers mounted on camels) so I guess that they are the result of the artist’s imagination.

  3. I’ve heard of unpainted lead piles but never a gold one. Typical wargamer!
    Thanks for sharing this Alan.

  4. What a waste! If he had went for tin he could have had 10 times as many armies.
    Mike in Shetland
