The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Sunday, 31 March 2024
Saturday, 30 March 2024
Thursday, 28 March 2024
Basing East Tradgardlanders
Spurred on by an enthusiastic email from Brian C earlier in the week l went back and based more of the East Tradgardland forces. I left aside the painting of the resin Strelsi type figures and got on with basing-
Also some North Tradgardland artillery and West Tradgardland artillery too-
Tuesday, 26 March 2024
Way through the woods
Sorted out the painting desk yesterday. My stuff had colonised the top of the piece of furniture to the left of the desk. It had become a place to store work in progress and things drying. It looks a lot better now.
Below the desk also needed a bit of a sort.Here is the below area a tad better.
The top of the desk is now declutterred and ready for hobby action. Ah, that’s better!
Monday, 25 March 2024
Break on through to the other side
My 1790 rebasing and painting has stalled. Life has been busy and I have dabbled but both the games table and work bench have hardly seen any change for days now. The question is do I pop the project back in the box until I am more energised to continue it and get something else out or break on through …
Sunday afternoon
The sun came out after a very cold night.
My boyhood gnome revealed from the ivy, still a classy chap.Left to right- a gnome belonging to my late mother in law, my boyhood gnome and finally a gnome made of rubbery material from my grandma’s garden. He originally pushed a wheelbarrow, long gone.
A well earned rest ,refuel and think after gardening.
Sunday, 24 March 2024
Basing for winter and summer
Rebasing continues slowly for the 1790 Tradgardlanders. Idea is to use clear acrylic to allow for different seasons.
Out and About
We had planned to go to South Queensferry yesterday but there were train and track problems resulting in cancellations. So we nipped on a bus and went to North Queensferry instead. A chilly, windy day.
The Albert Hotel, where l was taken for lunch occasionally, is sad and boarded up.
Some interesting information boards.
Daughter number two contemplating the sea and in the picture for scale.
Smallest Stevenson light house.
Above is the lighthouse interior and below is a small but fascinating museum beside it.
This cafe ( Rankin’s Cafe) was new to us and provided lovely coffee, cheese//bacon bagel and sausage on a roll.Just the thing on a cold day. Would definitely recommend.
Having been suitably fortified by our cafe visit we walked a short part of the costal path to Inverkeithing. An enjoyable wee trip.
Saturday, 23 March 2024
An interview with the author…
Really interesting in depth interview with Frederick Silburn- Slater the author of “ A war Transformed “ here-
I got the rules when they first came out, read them a bit but have returned to them. Fascinating with such diverse gaming potential…
Friday, 22 March 2024
Wee wander
As Real Life has been quite stressful of late I decided to have an away day. Even though it was rather rainy l still went for it. I popped through to Stirling, enjoyed a potter about and got these in a well stocked Oxfam bookshop-
An old favourite rule set which is worth giving a go again l think and an excellently illustrated book about one of my favourite designers.
In other news I managed to get the raised borders cleared and the 2024 garden campaign has begun-
Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Semi flat Scout update
Got this comment on Home casting Facebook group in response to posting pictures of the figures-
“Alan Gruber You're the bum who bought those!
I was watching them! 😠 🤣
They're probably Spenkuch.
The only reason I didn't get them was I wasn't too sure about the steel rod inserts, I wasn't sure if Spenkuch did that, or why it was done when it could've been easier cast in lead with the rest of the figure.”
So a little further forward. Pop over here to see some figures by the manufacturer still being made-
Monday, 18 March 2024
Sunday, 17 March 2024
Resins to be cheerful
Unpacked these 28mm recruits for East Tradgardland. They are traditional types to fight alongside the troops in Potemkin uniforms.
Nice figures in different poses with enough detail but not too much. Note The Assualt Group figure , bottom right, for comparison.Receipt that came with them to show you where I got them and what I paid.
A couple of illustrations for inspiration…
Saturday, 16 March 2024
Semi Flat Scouts etc
Saw these on eBay and snapped them up quite reasonably. I was charmed by the animation of the Scouts and how full of character they were-
Anyone know the make? I have never seen figures like these before for sale.
Friday, 15 March 2024
Just back from the shed looking out some figures. I discovered the mdf bases have got some mold on them. What is the best way to stabilise this? Do I coat in pva, varnish or what? I really don’t want to rebase.
Lovely to see Tidders writing in this month’s Miniature Wargames ( April 2024) -
Not to mention photos of his excellent armies.
I was also pleased to see this advert -
Excellent rules which have given me good games over the years.
Thursday, 14 March 2024
Mould question
This mould of a semi flat tank was made for me. The maker also cast up some tanks for me from it.
I fancy making some more . What do you suggest using ? He didn’t use metal with this mould btw.
Walking in Edinburgh yesterday
Walked in Edinburgh yesterday. Rainy but enjoyable and diverting.
A defunct telephone exchange building. Hardly imaginable now how vital they were.New signage in the Botanic Gardens. Nicely done and conveys information effectively.
The alien like Gunnera plant about to wake up after its winter slumbers.
An impressive house in the middle of town , seen whilst walking towards Leith Walk.
Charming pigeon sculptures in Elm Row.