I recall a very brief ( student days) but complicated relationship with the girlfriend of a friend . I also recall her Christmas present to me , an LP. I remember unwrapping it , it was by Nick Drake, someone I didn’t know at all. I played it , was transported and delighted by it. The album was “ Bryter Layter” and it led me to an appreciation and enjoyment of Nick Drake’s music , one that has continued to this day.
Last night after a long and stressful day l tried to relax with the bbc sounds app , found this completely by chance and listened to -
A prom ( to mark the 50th anniversary of his death) devoted to Nick Drake and his music ! I’m not really a prom listener but this was beautiful to listen to. Orchestral arrangements of his songs, the Unthanks and chat at halftime with his sister, it was super. Do listen.
'Pink Moon' is quite simply one of the most beautiful albums ever produced.