Wednesday 30 July 2008

Waitrose ale and brown paper

Tonight, with the aid of Waitrose Organic Ale - which I can recommend to all of you, I have taken my 18th century galley forward. I have used brown paper as planking and decking which has saved all the effort of drawing planking myself. The next stage will be to add detail followed by masts and oars. I am tempted to use it as either a Swedish or Prussian Galley. Guenther on Yahoo SYW has provided me with useful info - thanks Guenther. Combined with material from the SYW Association journal and material I have gathered I feel that Pomerania is beckoning....
I will provide pictures as things develop. Oh finally , please support Waitrose in their excellent selections of ale and German wines...


  1. The green man even looks like a warrior...Bill

  2. My recollection is that the estwhile Prussian navy manning the galleys were wearing a uniform similar to the fusiliers with the short mitre. Duffy has some info on this in Army of Frederick the Great (2nd edition). Coffee stirrers from McDonalds make nice oars.

  3. The galleys are taking shape nicely. What armament will they have?

  4. Very impressive modelling stuff - both for the navy and the wolf-pits.

