Things have been very busy here at the Duchy of late...
Last weekend saw me prepping & painting ( and dodging frequent rain showers) long planks of wood prior to the joiner using them to replace the roofline which had seen better days. He also removed the rhones for me to strip and repaint. I was sustained by a combintaion of Kerrang radio , mint tea and whychwood breweries ale! In the midst of this my daughter was 13 and we had to help her get her present - 2 guinea pigs and their run ,hutch and kit! We also have been dealing with family stuff and making preparations of which more anon. It has been a big busy time but fun and useful too.
I have enjoyed using the produce of the garden (symbolised by the evocative photo above) potatoes,runner beans,salad, cougette etc and even blueberrries for the morning porridge. I gain such pleasure and peace from participating in the cycle from seed to plate. If you have not tried yet I urge you to give it go - it is a win.win situation!
In half an hour (it is 6.40 a.m) I am being picked up to go to Claymore and refight the battle of Spurlash Down. Whatever you do this weekend I hope you enjoy it!
Enjoy Claymore. I'll not be there for the first time in the last 10 years, not to worry there is always next year.
... but what to do with all those courgettes!
ReplyDeleteI also enjoy mint tea . . . right now I'm have some iced as a matter of fact.
ReplyDeleteI hope that you enjoy Claymore, sir.
-- Jeff
I am with you on the blueberries, at least nearly so. I enjoyed raspberries from the back-yard patch on my oatmeal, earlier this summer, and there are some in the freezer, awaiting the harvest of Golden Delicious next month for apple-raspberry pie.