Tuesday 2 April 2013

In his library...

The Duke of Tradgardland has managed to slip away from his guests,members of the Ducal Court and sundry hangers-on.He has taken refuge in the library and can spend a few blissful moments in the company of his books. He is not even disturbed by the  smoke and bubbling noises pertaining to Mr Vastari in the next room.He begins by reading of matters practical and consults the old favourite "The Builder's Dictionary" with it's  definitions.Soon he tires of this and the thoughts it provokes  of the ever insistent Mr Pennytrowel the English architect with his myriad schemes each more outrageous than the next...
The Duke takes solace in bound journals  of the "Proceedings and natural musings of the Tradgardland Society vol 24" and finds an interesting article written by his ancestor of recent times-
Amongst the drawings his eye alights on a particular image  labelled number 15.He reads on ,oblivious to the calling of his name by his a respectful yet insistent servant.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting publication. The Margrave of Trompenburg, has by coincidence, just commissioned a statue of a similar subject by Scheemakers which he will place in his newly planned garden. I have heard of a certain English doctor who did meet with satyrs in the lanes about Islington, but such talk is suitable only for kitchen scolds and silly persons.
