Tuesday 16 November 2021

Book etc

 The day began well with an excellent charity shop purchase in the shape of a history book for a pound.Later the Black Dog made an appearance and has continued to sniff around for the rest of the day. I have been enjoying reading the Silver Bayonet which looks like it will deliver a most enjoyable solo gaming experience. Last night I selected figures for French unit from amongst those I got with the Northstarter. However in my attempt to find obscure uniforms for my French l have been utterly overwhelmed by the detail out there and ended up deciding upon absolutely nothing! Finally I have put the  North Star figures ( top row) beside Perry and Eagle ( bottom row) to show the size of them. Lovely sculpts but need suggestions of a range that is size compatible.


  1. Books are always good. I hope you can keep the Black Dog at bay. As for the minis, I'm not familiar with Napoleonics. Could you just paint them whatever colors you want? Or are your trying for some historical accuracy? I don't know much about ranges of figures for the period either - but I think Foundry does a lot of Napoleonic figures.

    Good luck! (or should I say, "bon chance"?)

    1. I have got the Danish reference books out, left the North Star figures aside and got on with Steve Barber and Perry figures. Having a go and enjoying it…

  2. Interesting looking book. Hopefully well illustrated?

    Uniforms in ImagiNations are either intensely liberating or frustratingly linifinite. I have repainted the Bronte sisters several times already.

    Preben Kannik is good for generic period colours.

    Hopefully you can get outside and take that Black Dog for a walk.

    1. It is a fascinating introduction with lots of small sections on different aspects of the period.A good primer. I have bit the bullet going back to Scandinavian uniforms I know a bit about rather than diving into the deep end of French Napoleonic uniforms.

  3. Alternative Armies Flintloque range disappointed some collectors as being too big to have a few to give variety to their armies. Perhaps they would be compatible size wise with SB. Judicious choices make the ahistorical nature of some AA figures less obvious.

    As for uniforms - if you enter the world of Napoleonics by any route you either embrace the painting challenge or go all greatcoats and shako covers. Steve Barber has some horsemen in their capes/cloaks and should work size wise especially as the horses give them height.


    1. I have abandoned the Deep End of the French and am at the shallow end of Danish uniforms where I am not out of my depth. Have dived in with proper uniforms not scruffy capes and coats!

  4. Might be worth checkout Uniforms of the French Revolutionary wars by Haythornthwaite... Start on one of the figures by doing the non uniform bits and the rest might follow. Chin up...

  5. A splendid book! I was tempted by French balloon troops but retreated to the comfort of Scandinavia, a good decision for me I think.
