Saturday 28 September 2024

Elizabethan English v Old Irish

 Yesterday friends came over and I laid on a renaissance game- 28mm, sixteenth century using DBR rules. I umpired, made coffee and generally supported whilst they played. Here are the armies set out for their respective commanders-

Firstly the English with lots of bows and shot. They are commanded by one general.
Secondly the Old Irish, lots of skirmishing kern ,warband bonnachts and mail clad gallowglasses amongst others. They had two generals representing two allied chieftains. 
Although there were a variety of figures from various manufacturers , some I have had for years, the majority were from Hoka Hey Wargaming-
They produce border reivers too. The figures are full of character and have a pleasing solidity to them. Any way a few pictures of the game-

The initial set up by the two commanders, with bogs and woods separating the armies.
Kern, bonnacht and gallowglass advance. I like the way these rules allow skirmisher marksmen to shoot.
English pike with kern ahead traversing the bog.
Wild boar are frightened off by advancing Irish troops, just a bit of set dressing btw.
A view of one of the Irish Chieftains with his chaplain and piper accompanying him on the same base.
Bonnacht warband advancing through the woods.
Gallowglass with murderous axes advance only to be cut down by withering musket fire.
All it all it was an interesting and fun game. The players enjoyed using armies new to them, l enjoyed umpiring the game and the figures seemed  pleased to be out on the table for the first time since rebasing and for their first time being used in a non solo game. One could almost imagine sounds of carousing emanating from their box file camps…

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