Monday 2 September 2024


 The day started well with me successfully doing some home admin stuff, including booking a weekly art history course for this term. I then left to walk to church only to trip up on a raised bit of pavement. Thankfully no one was around to witness my skinned knee, loss of dignity and ripped favourite trousers.

Later in the day instead of tidying the shed l took a deep dive into it  and came up with what I had been looking for ages ago. Was delighted to be reunited with another half finished project. Later in the day I discovered this purchase of June 2020 which I got at the time to lift the spirits.

A most enjoyable read . 

Post script- here is a link to the 2020 project-

Interesting to see what I did then but I think I am going to take it in a different direction…


  1. I'm glad your accident did not result in a more serious injury. The book is not one I've bought though I thought about it - I just have the first in this series.
    As for the project I'd have thought better figures than the Irregular and PA ones would be more worth your time and effort. However I know you are attracted to the paths less trodden when it comes to wargame projects.

  2. Morning Duke,
    I am interested in your “ better” comment. Are commonly perceived aesthetically better figures more worthy? If one is interested in models then Minden and Perry are your first place to go, however there are toy soldier vibe figures which are worthy too. It is all about purpose l guess. .For this project l wanted a toy soldier feel ( not something l did with my Perry plastic and metal late 15th century army for example) with a nod to homecast zinnfiguren too. I also am enchanted by the look Ross produces on his blog. The hobby is a broad church and thankfully so.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. P.s I count myself fortunate not to have done worse to myself. A friend recently tripped on Princes Street and landed smack on his face. Ouch!
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. I don't know how I missed the request for suggestions for the names of French generals. I might well have suggested 'look at a wine list'. To explain my meaning check out this narrative...

    1. I enjoyed following the link and it has given me food for thought…
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. Replies
    1. Indeed☹️
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. Replies
    1. I will, I am clumsy but this was worse than usual. The state of pavements leaves something to be desired.
      Alan Tradgardland

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks!
      Maybe it was just my imagination 😂
      Alan Tradgardland

  8. I hate it when that happens......the tripping, not the refinding of previous purchases.

    I will confess to mixing SOME PA figures with SOME Meisterzinn ones, only rarely in the same unit but neither company is consistent when it comes to size and style.

    1. The finding can be fun, stimulating and saves some money. It is almost as good as getting a purchase in the post. Mixing figures is not like mixing drinks and is commendable.
      Alan Tradgardland

  9. If one is going to trip the best result is doing so when no one else is around, dignity remains intact!! I love the Refighting History books, they rank among my favourites, looking forward to seeing where you take this project, my preferred figures are Minden and Crann Tara but as you say it's a broad church and always really interested in how others do their projects,

    1. Just deleted a long reply by mistake, 😠.
      I was just saying I have the figures, want to utilise them and I like their vibe.
      Alan Tradgardland

  10. Sorry to hear about your scraped trousers - and pride, perhaps?
    I was just listening to Michael Rosen on Radio 4 'Word of Mouth' latest episode, about the words used around ageing. Apparently if you are under about 60, you 'fell over', but if older than that, you 'had a fall'... That made me think a bit!
    Those Charles Grant books look great, hope it inspires you to make progress..

  11. Rosen has made me think a lot too! Most interesting comment.
    Thanks for the project encouragement.
    Alan Tradgardland

  12. I know the feeling of embarrassment from tripping or falling when others are present. At least you escaped that indignity. The damage to your trousers and knee don't look so good. Hopefully your knee heals quickly.

    Nice to finally find something you had been looking for.

    Enjoy your toy soldier projects! As you say, it's a broad church and finding the parts of it that bring you joy is the main thing.
