Friday 30 December 2022

It was long ago , it was far away, it was….

 One of the highlights of the run up to Christmas, when my daughters were small, involved the local library. They wanted to be there when the Christmas books were put on display and out to be borrowed. Year after year we eagerly tried to get the family favourites. The one in this post was the most sought after.  Some years we got it, some years we didn’t. Anyway many years later my eldest tried to track down a copy to buy as it had been such an integral part of her growing up. Eventually, after much time and effort, she tracked the book down and got a copy that had once graced a library , it seemed fitting. It remains a prized possession. Here is the book she got-


  1. What a fabulous tradition and great holiday memories.

    1. It was almost magical at the time though I was probably grumpy about it knowing me a little. Great memories indeed!
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. A very cool story and glad your daughter managed to get hold of a copy!

  3. A lovely book and I was so pleased when she got a copy…
    Alan Tradgardland
