Wednesday 29 March 2023

Knights in white satin, never reaching the end or Towards a game for Woking/ Northern Event

 I’ve been collecting towards doing a wee game at the next Little Wars Revisited games day. The idea was to create a pursuit, chasing, fleeing and ambush sort of game. I’ve had the image of “Knights in white satin…” in my mind for years ( sorry Moody Blues) where my mind combines the song with random images from the film “ Alexander Nevsky” by Eisenstein. What came recently into my mind was the second part of the song line- never reaching the end. It conjures up for me Knights struggling against , weather terrain and foes, desperately trying to escape, never reaching the end of their journey. So a potential game was born. I’ve been picking up these Del Prado Lithuanian ski troops off eBay for a while-

They are metal, heavy big 54mm figures, full of purpose…

A suitable opposition to be chased and harried presented itself in these 54mm plastic figures-

The horn player and kneeling knight ( shades of Max Von Sydow in the Seventh Seal”) were my particular favourites but the other figures are full of character too.

Currently working on rules ideas ( maybe The Portable skirmish Wargame) or some very simple skirmish rules with added weather, character and pursuit mechanisms. 

Terrain would be very simple with white, felt cloth, trees and terrain markers all that is needed plus the figures. Eminently transportable by train. Now all is left is to finish the figures and try the rules…


  1. Fantastic looking figures Tradgardmastare - A PW skirmish game with these sounds great.

    1. Thanks. Something different. Sometimes all the ideas come together…
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. This is a good idea -a chase in the Snow in 54mm. I've been meaning to ask you Alan how is your 'Wind In The Willows' project going- a very interesting project indeed and I'd like to hear more about your progress. Will you have a Toad, Ratty, Badger and Mole figure in your games? Regards. KEV.

    1. Moving along nicely on the back burner. More posts soon…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Fascinating project. I do like Del Prado figures....some really useful types. I seem to remember a film set in medieval Scandinavia where there is a lot of skiing...The Last King?

    1. I know that film , it is excellent. Another film with lots of skiing is “Pathfinder” from 1987 here is a link to a trailer of it-
      Del Prado are excellent, if big but most useful.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. I was fiddling with a ruleset I called "Knights in Grey Plastic". Feel free to steal the name.

    1. Excellent title, thanks.
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. A very interesting idea. I look forward to seeing how it goes.

    1. Thanks, so do I
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. Very interesting idea for a game, I really like those Del Prado figures, they look cracking!

    1. Thanks, me too.
      Alan Tradgardland

  7. Love this concept! Those Del Prado figures look quite interesting, too.

    1. Thanks, people seem to like the idea.
      Alan Tradgardland

  8. Looks great! Exciting to make progress on a project!

  9. Thanks, it certainly is.
    Alan Tradgardland
