Wednesday 26 April 2023

The Ruddle’s County Challenge

 It is coming towards May and warmer weather is just round the corner, hopefully. I thought this might be an appropriate time to introduce “ The Ruddle’s County Challenge “ to you.

Two ideas came together in my mind recently- the famous al fresco wargamer and a beer I drank in the eighties. So I thought I would present the readers of this blog with a challenge. Fight a wargame in the garden or any outdoor space, takes photos and write an after action report. That in essence is the challenge. Whose up for it then?


  1. Challenge accepted. I expect to be out in the Back Yarden / Garden Galaxy not so far far away at some point this summer, weather permitting. Especially if my three man or three woman Patrols notice any unusual activity ...
    Choice of drink optional (fuelled by caffeine not alcohol).

  2. I look forward to the forthcoming report…
    Caffeine definitely a plan.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. Interesting idea Alan, maybe my newly painted Highlanders deserve to go play in the garden this summer.

    1. I am sure they would benefit from some al fresco battle experience.
      Alan Tradgardland
