Saturday 12 October 2013

The postman commeth... Continental Wars society

Our postman brought an envelope today-It contained the following:
ever I have been tardy in resubscribing but got round to it this week. Ralph Weaver  quickly sent me my  back issues of the newsletter- fantastic service Ralph and thanks!So I got the pleasure of two issues at once! I cannot tell you what a joy the newsletter is to read- filled with inspiring articles,photographs and interesting pictures and more.Don't miss it! Only £6 ( I think) for a year's subscription and well,well worth it.Leaves the Glossies in the shade. They can be contacted as follows- The CWS address is:
37 Yeading Avenue
Middx HA2 9RL

Join up today -you won't regret it!!!!


  1. I say Alan these look nice do they have a website?
