Tuesday 10 November 2020

Swiss Sharpshooters Company , San Francisco 1870

 Some further conversions, this time in the form of an independent military company ( an organised militia unit that is not part of the National Guard or part of the official California State organisation)  from San Francisco- The Swiss Sharpshooters. The photo and painting is from around 1870. 

This represents one of dozens of such units in the County, often organised from ethnic groups, for example, Swiss, German or French.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michael, I am really enjoying these fascinating units and getting them on the table.

  2. Very nice conversion - previously Grenadier Guards again?

    1. You guessed right. Excellent figures to use and a supply of heads for future conversions too.

  3. A nice addition indeed. "The same but different" as the old expression goes.
