Wednesday 27 December 2023


 Gift received in the Duchy of Tradgardland-

The above were from my daughters. The subscription to Senet magazine ( see here for more info -     was a complete surprise and I look forward to reading it in the coming year. The Chelsea Ticket was something we had talked about some time back. I agreed to buy daughter #2 a ticket as her main Christmas present and she agreed to reciprocate. It is a long standing ambition of ours to go to the Chelsea Flower Show, as it was for Jan too. Sadly she never got to go. As a family we poured over the tv coverage annually. Anyway Anna and I are off to Chelsea in 2024 and can’t wait. It will be amazing to finally attend.
The above is a book l asked for from my daughters. On first glance it looks fascinating, can’t wait to have time to do it justice.
The greater family does a Secret Santa every year. You give some options and Santa chooses which to give you. I was delighted with Santa’s choice. A fascinating book on late 15th century art and a chance to discover my roots. 
Hope you all had a great time and good gifts. Enjoy Boxing Day’s Boxing Day!


  1. Some very interesting and thoughtful presents esp the Boardgames magazine and the Flower Show. You’ll be able to rewatch the TV coverage and look for yourself in the crowds!
    Any preferences or hints for your DNA roots? Scandi? Scots? Teutonic? Viking? Tradgardland?

    1. I know there will be Scottish and German. A wee bit Jewish or Welsh would be nice.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Some lovely presents, the Chelsea show should be a real treat. I did my DNA a couple of years ago and no real surprises, Scots. Irish, a wee bit of Welsh and a fragment of Finnish, which was the only surprising one, be interested to see what your will produce.

    1. Indeed, it will be and I shall let you know…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Now they look great gifts. Chelsea will be amazing.

    1. I am soo looking forward to Chelsea.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. I got myself that book on Toy Soldiers as well and gave my wife a subscription to Ancestry as well - great minds think alike !

    1. Great minds indeed!
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. Some lovely gifts there Alan. Despite it being not too far away we've never been to Chelsea. The Ancestry thing sounds excellent. My son has doen some excellent work on Elaine's side of the family... it's definitely thrown up some interesting characters!! I haven't heard of Senet before... I'll have to have a look.

    1. You must go one year or perhaps Hampton Court. I am looking forward to finding out a little…
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. I am soo looking forward to Chelsea!
    Alan Tradgardland

  7. Some great gifts there. It is so nice when people ask what you'd like and then actually provide it. You'll enjoy the book, it is great for dipping into - (I even get a mention).
