Monday 4 December 2023

Penedredfel Light Railway

 The Penedredfel Light Railway ( PLR for short) lies under a blanket of snow in a remote, undreamed of corner of Kernow-

The station is almost engulfed by the white blanket and all work has ceased. The station master and his family stay huddled round the fire dreaming of Christmas and making delicate paper stars.

The villagers too, remain indoors thinking of the roof repairs needed come the Spring when a new family will come to occupy the semi derelict property. In the meantime villagers learn their parts for the forthcoming Christmas play , written by Fr Bruno Tread , the parish priest .This year, to be broadcast on the wireless…

Readers of this blog might enjoy this-

All similarities are entirely intentional.


  1. Good to see and hear again about the good people of Penedredful and how they are surviving being snowed in - as long as there is beer in the pub, tea and tea treat buns in the chapel, fish in the sea, clotted cream in the larder and scones and pasties in the oven, they will all be fine.
    Of Father Tread or Walke - Lovely to hear these recordings again, I had the pleasure of meeting Ted Grundy who did the 1986 reunion programme (your first Youtube link) - lovely, chap, lovely voice, very good at putting people at their ease and getting them talking.
    New link on my Sidetracked blog that may interest you re. Penedredful.

    1. I forgot to say the link to the website about Stage Design tips (based on / from model railroader Frank Ellison) featured on my Sidetracked Post is especially relevant to your interest in set design, the Snow Queen production you saw and our chat about Toy Theatres, mentioned in your blog recently.

    2. I enjoyed popping over to your blog and following the link. It reminded me l got a paper copy of a book on micro layouts around eight years ago . I must try to find it…
      Alan Tradgardland.
      P.S glad you enjoyed the recordings

  2. Wonderful! Reminds me of winters in days gone!

    1. Thanks, me too
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. I keep thinking about a garden railway. But I have 2 Jack Russell terriers. Carnage would ensue I suspect.

    1. There must be others who combine the hobbies you mention. What about raised track?

    2. Alan Tradgardland

    3. I am considering going with the playmobil option.
