Wednesday 18 May 2022

DBV for Middle Earth Skirmishes

 Here are the troop definitions according to the rules-

You can see it is relatively simple to define Middle Earth figures according to the rules. For others such as Wargs they would fit in with Light Horseman definitions , trolls blades and so on. 
The advantage is that I know the system already, we have worked on tweaking it and finally it might be a way into fantasy gaming for those less comfortable with it.
Magic l need a think about but for the majority of types be they men, elves or orcs they can be defined easily enough. As for “local colour “ it is achievable by changing factors up or down or with a few, and I mean a few, additional rules.
Let me know what you think.


  1. Looks interesting... I'm vaguely aware of DBV but have never played it

    1. We have played it for some time now. It has provided enjoyable skirmish games and as we use dbm for ancient/medieval games it is familiar to us in a way. My regular opponent has produced play sheets and sorted out the inconsistencies in the rules.

  2. Makes sense if you have a ruleset you know and like to use it for 'Fantasy'.
    A thought just occurred to me. Are there any fantasy novels/games which are set in the gunpowder era?

  3. Interesting question re gunpowder fantasy settings. I will have a think…

  4. Michael Moorcock's works including the Oswald Bastable novels may be of inspiration.
