Tuesday 24 May 2022

Getting to the point and a p.s

 Over the years I have used all sorts of spears. I’ve cut the heads off pins, bought lethal steel spears and used piano wire. The one thing I find very difficult is bendy spears-

I can never get them straight and they bend when you drop or mishandle the figure. I got some lethal steel spears recently. They looked great but my fingers kept getting pricked. It was with great pleasure I recently discovered the hard plastic spears below. Not bendy or sharp they work a treat-

So if you want to avoid sharp nasty pointy wee sticks these are the things for you!

P.s  A comment was left in one of my posts asking about Fantasy Novels with a gunpowder background. Any recommendations?


  1. This is probably not what is wanted but I recommend an SF series called The Lost regiment which is about a Union regiment swept through a portal into a parallel Earth. The Americans end up in the equivalent of Medieval Russia but instead of being menaced by Mongols it is oppressed by large human eating humanoids who ride extra large horses and come for tribute in human flesh!

    The Americans take over from the local feudal system, weapon production, training of the locals and modernize the country with steam. Eventually the bestial enemy cotton on and get humans working for them to provide counter measures. An arms race occurs but initially the production is of matchlock weapons.

    Eventually there are steam tanks and steam machineguns.

  2. And zeppelins and bi-planes... I have to say it is just about my favorite fiction I have read of all my 63 years!

    1. Ha - I recognise that plot - a mate of mine was very keen on it and leant me the first book in the series - I liked it well enough but it didnt really grab me and I never bothered borrowing the rest of the novels from him!

    2. Thanks for the suggestion,fascinating.

  3. Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen? Time-travelling cop ends up in an alternative American populated by Aryans who migrated eastwards instead of westward. Dominated by a theocracy with the restricted knowledge of how to make gunpowder. Medieval meets TYW.

    1. I believe there was a set of Wargames rules based on these books “ Down Styphon “ or a similar name.

  4. On spears, a lot of people are switching to plastic broom / brush bristles.

    1. I have seen blog posts on this , looks fascinating,but I do like the moulded pointy bit on my plastic spears.

  5. Thanks for the comments on Black Powder Sci-Fi/ Fantasy. Some interesting stuff by the sounds of it.

    1. One of my favourites-
      Well worth buying . An alternate ECW , the ending in terrific and very gameable.
      There are novels out there with dragons in the Napoleonic wars I believe but I know nothing of them

    2. P.s the Napoleonic ones are by Naomi Novik
      Sorry I forgot my name in the previous comment, it is so confusing if I don’t, even to me.

  6. The Elephant and Macaw Banner by Christopher Kastensmidt

    Set in Brazil during the 1500s, has gunpowder weapons and fantasy monsters. Strongly recommend it.

    1. New to me , l shall check it out…

  7. Neat idea plastic spears, less holes in the hand :)

    (trying a comment from Safari) browser...)

    1. Exactly!
      ( trying to comment anywhere by any means)

  8. Those plastic spears look good - I like a shaped head on my spears as well. I've bought steel ones from North Star and usually run a file over the very tip - they still look the job but not as sharp.

    You're correct about Down Styphon! - published in the 1970s by Fantasy Games Unlimited. I enjoy the book (there may have been at least one sequel) but it never enthused me to wargame it but then, despite being a life-long reader of SF, non-historical stuff rarely does.
