Monday 13 April 2020

The Portable Flats Wargame

Up sharp again today and started painting some figures, I soon realised I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for it so shut the lid. I felt a tad guilty doing this but am reminding myself it is a hobby only and these are strange times.
So Instead I set up a Portable Wargame game inspired by the picture below from the article mentioned in my comments yesterday
So the terrain and figures were looked out...

I quite like the look of very modern hex terrain and the zinnfiguren, what do you think?


  1. Your flats look good on the hex terrain Tradgardmastare - great to see them in action already!

    1. Thanks, glad to see them in action looking the part.

  2. If anyone thinks hexes aren’t old school, direct them to that article!

    Looking good. Wonder what it’d look like in black and white.

  3. They all look fine! There's a style about them.
    Happy Easter, by the way!

  4. I like the combination of flat and hex too!

  5. For some reason that I cannot fathom, the combination of the figures and the hexes looks right.

    All the best,


  6. Can it be a coincidence that Maudlin Jack Tar's latest blog entry (about Hyboria) includes a passage from Don Featherstone on exactly this subject of flat figures and stylised scenery? He sums it up pretty well!

    1. I didn’t notice that and will have a look later today.

  7. I think they are a match made in heaven. The flats and hexes work really well together.
