Thursday 3 December 2020

A mystery and a walk down memory lane...

In these dark days I like to light a tea light or two in the garden to look out at. I have noticed that the spent metal containers which hold the wax are being removed. I don’t fasten the lantern shut and the next day find the lantern is empty! This has happened before but I had forgotten it. I seem to recall that we came to the conclusion that magpies were to blame but can’t remember why. Any one got a theory?

As a teenager I used to save up and buy the odd 54mm metal figure to paint.The Toy Tub model shop in Edinburgh was where I bought my Rose Miniatures, as well as sending off for the odd figure through military modelling adverts. I didn’t  collect that many as I discovered metal wargames figures and the collecting took a back seat.These two eBay purchases reminded me of  these collecting days and were a cheap buy. I fancy painting them up for  fun. The pictures below are to see if you can help me identify manufacturer and subject. The chap with the musket is an American from the AWI  I am pretty sure but who is the boy in the pillbox hat. He looks Victorian or Edwardian to me. Any thoughts?



  1. The bases look Rose like - John Eden took over their 54mm manufacture but I can't seem to open their website

    1. My recollection of Rose figures were on more solid bases rather than hollow. I wondered about Hinchcliffe?

    2. I have checked and only have a few Rose Miniatures from Job Lots - the base is solid square with engraved Off. Rose. Miniatures spread across three sides, engraved in capitals. Not so much of a square indent.
      The BMSS might know if you sent a picture, if no one else identifies them on this blog. Facebook as well might get a response.

    3. Thanks for checking.The BMSS is a plan.

  2. Have you got a Tomten in the garden?

    1. Now that would be telling. My neighbours have a Leshy I believe but never seen it myself.

  3. Like some wargamers and toy soldier hobbyists magpies like shiny things. :)

    (although the latter might be a myth - for example, look up "Do Magpies Like Stealing Shiny Things?" on

  4. I will have a look. If it isn't a magpie I’m stumped!

    1. It could be magpies. They do take things, but are apparently not more attracted by shiny things as opposed to non-shiny. If it were in parts of North America I might also suspect packrats. :)

      On the other hand, Springinsfeld might be on to something... ha ha
