Wednesday 2 December 2020

Further Finds


I was fascinated to find this advert above and what I take to be another centennial picture below.
I have been sleeping even worse than usual lately and have enjoyed the company of an old friend in the form of this talking book. I would recommend the storyteller/reader and the book as an entry point to  this engaging, exciting world...


  1. What a great advertisement - you can spend time looking at the Volunteer and cadet uniforms as many of us did as children with the library copy of Military Uniforms of The World in Colour deciding
    a) which if these figures do you wish they next made in Airfix / plastics?
    B) if you had to wear one of the uniforms to battle / parade which would it be?
    C) if you had to wear one of the uniforms to battle / parade, which is the least attractive?

    On an audio book note, my local library has a public subscription to rbdigital and Belinda digital ebooks and magazines, graphic novels and digital audiobooks but you do have to make reservations and wait weeks sometimes.

    1. I must check my library out...
      A poster filled with hours of fun indeed...

  2. I hadn't thought of non-black pickelhaube - thanks to your posts and those of the Wargames Hermit I have new ideas for my Imagination uniforms!!

    1. Nor had I ! I look forward to seeing your imagination uniforms.

  3. Alan, another great find. And thanks for the audiobook recommendation as well.

    1. I discovered his books in my thirties and have loved them since.

  4. Marching bands are a big thing over here. I've often looked at some and thought they'd make a great imaginations uniform.

    Oddly enough Post Captain was my first O'Brien book. I bought it for a long railway journey but couldn't get into it at the time. Later on it and the rest of the series became a firm favourite.

  5. I bought my first on recommendation from a friend and liked it . We didn’t have too much disposable cash at the time but I was lucky enough to find quite a few in a charity shop as a job lot. I bought them for a very reasonable price and haven’t looked back.
