The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Monday, 30 July 2007
A letter recieved at Court and its receptition
Sunday, 29 July 2007
High Sommer - a Reverie
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Today in Tradgardland
Friday, 27 July 2007
Books -what we are reading in Europa
Thursday, 26 July 2007
The Duchy Regiments...
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
A bleeding wound...( a page from a Tradgardland broadsheet)
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Street life..........
On the streets of the Capital tempers are fraying over the looming crisis. Arguements are raging over where one's loyalty should lie-either with neighbour's Hesse -Engelberg or with the Banat. The Duke's heralds have appealed for calm...........
Letters of an inflamatory nature have mysteriously appeared nailed to walls around the City. They refer to a situation developing betwixt the Banat and Hesse -Engelberg. No doubt they will indeed fuel the situation!
The Tradgardian Heavy Cavalry
After the busy events of last night the Tradgardian Heavy Cavalry return to lesser duties. Half the regiment will return to their homes and everday pusuits while the others remain for much needed training and sword drill.
The T.H.C has a long a proud history within the Duchy tracing their lineage back to the Medieval Duke Otto and his retainers. Duke Otto ,a loyal and trusted friend of Charles the Bold, died upon the battlefield of Nancy in the 15th century , at the side of Charles. Two of this band of retainers made it back to Tradgardland through terrible weather and hardships. From them the T.H.C can follow a direct link through such testing times for the Duchy- for example the ravages of the Thirty Years War and beyond to the present.
The riding master is currently looking for current thinking and methodology to use in his instructions to the troopers. All offers of advice ,reading material and examples will be most humbly received.
Monday, 23 July 2007
On Alert.............
In light of the current turmoil sweeping across Europa the Duchy has taken the chance to rehearse for an invasion. The Beacon system proved successful and the infantry were able to muster when and where expected.The Duchy cavalry took to horse and only a few new conscripts were unable to control their mounts.
Duke Karl Frederick addressed the assembled Duchy forces and congratulated them on their endeavours which replaced those due to take place at Midsommer.
"Let he that has betrayed me come with his Eastern forces,we are ready!" ended the speech of Karl Frederick. His words met with resounding cheers prior to his departure for the Palace by Coach.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
A Glittering Night..........

A demonstration..........
Saturday, 21 July 2007
A most private and important letter............
Greetings from Karl Frederick!
I am concerned regarding information conveyed to me from my agents abroad in Europa. They tell of my estranged brother Max makes false claims regarding Tradgardland. I would be eternally obliged if he were to pollute your land by his presence would you place him in the lowest and darkest dungeon at your disposal and send word to me.
yours fraternally
Karl Frederick
Friday, 20 July 2007
Organisation Part 2 - The Infantry
1 Trotsa Werner von Hertzog Watchmen
2 Flatta Joseph Lindt Fishermen
3 Drottigen Jorge Genson Metal Workers
4 Smaaland Barn D'Orval Brewers
5 Konigs Aenas Salix Land Workers.
Marine Vaster Phillipe Greeneaway Fishermen
This chart tells what area of Tradgardland the regiments are connected with,their commanders and what Guilds are expected to contribute from their Guild coffers to the regimental upkeep.
Each soldier is responsible for keeping his own equipment,maintaining it at home and bringing it at change - over time.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Duchy Army Organisation- Part One.
Each regiment comes from a separate Herrengard. Half of the regiment trains at a time whilst the other half works at their own personal trades. The cycle for rotation is one Lunar month, after which they change over. When the Duchy is on a war footing or during manoeuvres ( for example the twice yearly Wappenschafts ) the whole regiment is called up.
The Herrengard "Lord of the Manor" retainers and wealthier Townsfolk provide the Cavalry.The Artillery are provided from the Firework/Gunpowder Communities.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Appendix to article in Nova Acta Eruditorum.........
An excerpt from the journal - Nova Acta Eruditorum- July 1757
Papin experimented with a steam -powered paddle boat in Germania in 1704.Alas his work came to nothing but plans pertaining to this have fallen into the hands of Kunzelsau. Herr Doktor has confidently told Nova Acta Eruditorum that he predicts the current material trials off the coast of Tradgardland will be successful. He assures us that the steam powered paddle steamer fleet is but a hairsbreadth away. We await developments with interest...................
Monday, 16 July 2007
A waiting game...............
An Announcement....

Sunday, 15 July 2007
A map - A beginning!
I am looking for a way to convert this to graphics on the computer, to take my scribbling and transfer to a better format.
The most important part however is to get my thoughts together and to get a greater sense of geography in the country. This I feel I have begun to do.
Saturday, 14 July 2007
Out of character.............
I intend to also post uniform and background to the tradgardian forces soon. It is good to be back in the 18th century!
A proclamation to be read across the Duchy...
Thursday, 5 July 2007
A Ducal proclamation..................
Monday, 2 July 2007
Midsommer Murders.......................