Tuesday 7 April 2020

Kev’s figures:some photos

As requested here are some figures by Kev, who is a most creative and talented modeller. He created them for gaming set on Mars on his blog but has removed the pictures of that gaming from there. After he had finished the project I had the opportunity to buy them.I really like the stylish , classic lines of these figures. There is so much conversion potentially in them too. In the shed I have the moulds for these and some civilian figures I neglected to photograph. On the other side of all this I would like to cast some more, one day...


  1. Nice figures, particularly like the hats.

    1. I know what you mean re the hats they are rather splendid.

  2. I like the simply 'toy soldierish' style of these figures. I reckon they'd look amazing en masse.

    1. Yes simplicity does it for me too and Charge sized units would look terrific.
