The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Down memory lane...

Thursday, 29 July 2010
The Tradgardland province of Smaaland
Smaaland ,governed from Smaaland Herrgard, is famous for many things. It is particularly renown for it's Tennis court ( to be found at Smaaland Herrgard and pictured in this post) often used by Duke Karl Frederick as well two main industries - the keeping of bees and the manufacture of tennis balls and equipment.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
The Duchy of Tradgardland 1866 an Old School Project...
However with Tradgardland 1866 I can maintain as osw a continuity of approach as much as possible. I will use Spencer Smith Classic 30mm infantry at the moment,with the cavalry & artillery when they are produced.
As for rules I am looking at the ones on the oldschoolacw blog.
I will raise forces initially based upon the scenario "Vanguards Collide" by Phil Olley in the recent Classic Wargames Journal.
As well as this I will try and do some GASLIGHT small unit games with characters and a wide variety of figures. This will not have such an old school flavour and will allow a different aesthetic to operate. As ever your thoughts are most welcome...
Monday, 26 July 2010
Saturday, 24 July 2010

Thursday, 22 July 2010
Introducing Von Apfelstrudel- The C in C for the Imperium

Wednesday, 21 July 2010
The battle of Herring wood part one

The first Nordic Bronze figures...
Friday, 16 July 2010
The Bronze Age in Denmark- Tradgardland's Late Bronze Age Roots...
I am about to start on a project that has been in the making since I first visited Denmark nearly 16 years ago. I fell in love with the culture of the Late Nordic Bronze Age...
Foundry brought out some fantastic figures for this period which have lain for ages in the garage . Now I intend to build them into my first Basic Impetous army. In the meantime enjoy the evocative video and the haunting sound of the Lur horns-enjoy...
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Of Baroque,bases and nettle soup...

However the postman did bring the Spencer Smith 1860 Prussian figures I had ordered and my movement trays from Warbases. This led to a flurry of rebasing ,flocking and preparing for an 18th century battle involving an invasion from the Austrian Netherlands of Tradgardland. This I hope to stage and fight later this week using simple Charge inspired rules. I intend to give these rules a playtest in a solo game involving the oppostion being moved according to a series of charts which allow the army to be controlled as if another was operating them. I think I got them years ago from the osw files.If the game proceeds I will photograph it and post an account here.
The day began with strong coffee ( as does everyday I'm afraid) and a fantastic programme on the Baroque art movement on the BBC I player. Well worth catching. It included the above painting which for me represented the type of militia/civic guard prevalent in 17th century Tradgardland- as much a social/gossiping/drinking and dining fraternity as a viable military force. I must stop myself being tempted into painting them!!!
At lunchtime the rain abated and Jan and I were able to pick nettles for the fantastic nettle soup my wife makes- wholesome,hearty, marvellously green and delicious!
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
The Forth Estuary and the Forth Coalition
Whilst on the subject of the Forth Estuary I am rather excited by a forthcoming demonstration game at the Claymore wargames show in Edinburgh which I will be involved in. The informal group ( named geographically) is the Forth Coalition. It includes a number of chums including one known to many of you through painting points. More details later...
Monday, 12 July 2010
Technologies and diverse matters

I was inspired by a recent discovery (in the loft) of some Luther Arkwright comics from my youth. Theses have lead me to examine some steampunk sites on the web. I do not wish my imagination to be too diverse from "reality" but am interested in some alternative material- inspiration has been Babbage and his difference engine,clockwork
technology and some form of mechanical transport beyond the railway. As ever I am interested in your thoughts...

Saturday, 10 July 2010
Tradgardland by Gaslight...
The 19th century Von Bergman is President of the Ducal Society -a group of gentlemen who are at the cutting edge of scientific endeavour and progress. He wears his uniform of Colonel in chief of th Ducal Hussar regiment and is armed with a percussion pistol (replete with telescopic sight) of his own design and fabrication.
I also enclose a photo of the garden a few weeks ago for those interested in such matters. Courgettes are about to be able to be eaten and the peas and beans are not too far off. Whatever you are doing have a good weekend!
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Brief updates
Gaslight is in the post and I await their arrival with mounting excitement. Hopefully the new movement trays (to aid 18th century ) will come soon and I will re organise those chaps. My daughters are going to build me some 2D hills and a waterfall ( sorry Fitzbadger but I could not resist- a case of the sincerest form of flattery!) with river attached over the coming weeks so I can't wait...
On a totally different matter may I recommend "Medical Mavericks " on BBC4 with it's fascinating history of medical self experimenters. Well worth a look. The presenter did a series on surgery some time ago which was also great.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Tradgardland- 18th & 19th Centuries- an update
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Maps- part the first...
Some mid 19th century background thoughts..

to look at some background . I have posted a map of
Europe in 1866- a year of great turmoil.
Only back in 1848 the Duchy of Tradgardland had it's ducal Palace burned as part of the "year of revolutions...
Now, in 1866, the Duchy and it's near neighbour ( yet to be given a name) have to decide which side to support . Will they opt for the mighty Prussia or side with the German Confederation- perhaps neutrality beckons as another option. It is with such a situation my 19th century gaming will commence.
Many thanks to all of you for your interest and helpful comments. Once more your views upon the background I propose would be appreciated. Even suggestions for the yet unamed imagination would be great!
Friday, 2 July 2010
Still blaming Steve Gill- not! Now Rules...

I like the set up of the Soweiter League - small units and simple rules
and a visually attractive and stimulating style.
I am also considering Charge - the orginal format and also the small unit version by Stuart Asquith. I am still uncertain about the suitability of the rules for mid 19th Century use. I have consulted the Victorian charge rules additions on OSW already.
Have any of you used the rules for this period or know of amendments? Or have you any other rules suggestions to make- as ever your view are sought here in Tradgardland. Finally just to let you know I have ordered some Helion Hussars already...
Today I hope to devote some time to geography and maps.
P.S I hope you enjoy this photo- it says so much about the attractions of this period with regard to imaginations
Thursday, 1 July 2010
I blame Steve Gill , old boy...