For the 18th century I have been reorganising into smaller units using movement trays with figures on GW bases inserted-casulties will be removed when needed.
This is to facilitate a major new storyline in the Duchy coming soon which will be resolved upon the tabletop in a series of linked games.
For the 19th century I have decided to use gaslight for some quasi skirmish games involving hussars in the forest.The rules have been sent for and figures too. I await their arrival and will keep you posted. Thanks to all for your interest ,advice and ideas... I may even be trying "spin off " for Blasthof Bridge with Shiny Tin Soldiers for 1866 using Charge. But we will see what develops.
I bought the GASLIGHT rules, and although I haven't yet played with them they look a good adaptable set.
ReplyDeleteI'll be interested to hear how you guys get along with the GASLIGHT rules - I'm tempted to get them myself. Just the other day I purchased Two Hour Wargames "Colonial Adventures" rules. They use 20 figure units, but the THW Yahoo group has a simple set of guidelines for using half-size units. I don't have many Pathans yet. Need to get more.
ReplyDeleteI'll also look forward to Tradgardland's 18th cent. events.
Good-looking fellows in tricorns, but where are the proud 1st & 2nd infantry regiments in the now famous and so characteristic 'Tradgarland crimsom' (read 'pink')?
ReplyDeleteOne of the strengths of the GASLIGHT rules is that they allow you to play larger-than-life heroes along with a cast of rank-and-file extras. They should be perfect for swashbuckling, storming-Zenda-castle affairs.