Thursday, 21 May 2020

Mainly outdoors

 The weather was spectacular here and almost all of the day was spent in the garden. I worked on the small halt and primed the cottage. Again some area of the garden was cleared of ornamental grass to see if it could be the terminus for the garden railway. I weeded a great deal, tried to work out why the rhubarb is not giving anything like its usual crop ,tried to halt the invasion of suckers from the raspberry canes and a vigorous rambling (?) rose who is trying to take over the garden underground.
The Laburnum is beautiful at this time of year ,quite spectacular. I managed to tack some figures onto stirrers with pva ready for painting and tried to move on the 10mm figures ( Masai warriors and porters);I had popped on a base prior to painting, not the best decision with hindsight. 

Gardening can be totally absorbing or a chance to mull over hobby plans,yesterday it served both functions at various times during the day. The outdoor day ended with Belgian beer and eating together, a good day indeed,


  1. Hi Alan- glad you've had an enjoyable and productive day in the Garden. Our Winter is on it's way and it gets to cold in the shed for painting figures around 4:00pm. Nice to see you getting some figure painting done as well. Cheers. KEV.

  2. My rhubarb is looking a bit sad as well this year ! ?

  3. All very productive, glad to see you're making the most of the lovely weather.

  4. The lovely weather makes such a difference on so many levels.
