Thursday, 14 May 2020

The long and the short and the tall.

Early weeding in the morning sun gave way to serious sorting indoors with the family. There was however hobby time on and off during the day.
 A garden railway structural item was primed ready for assembly later in the week. I intend to make my own buildings if possible but I got a resin kit to begin the process. Other preparations took place too.
The painting desk p.m with the long, short and tall. The long is a 54mm Homeguard chap who had gone missing and turned up during the sorting process. He , like his fellow platoon members needed, needs a repaint before being used for gaming. The short are some lovely 1st Corps castings of rather familiar looking characters from much beloved children’s books. I had forgotten that I had bought them . They turned up in a wee nook and cranny in the painting desk and I couldn’t resist giving them a whirl. The tall are two 16mm scale railway figures. I can’t recall when I last painted anyone that tall , I am interested to see how I get on with them and their fellows...
Here are the finished  favourite characters. I am quite pleased with how they turned out. They are just crying out to be involved in a game or perhaps a visit to Tradgardistan... 


  1. HI Alan- You certainly have a varied interest in model figures- looking forward to the early stages of your Garden Railway. Cheers. KEV.

    1. I’ve always been interested in lots of periods although there are a few main ones I return to again and again.

  2. All good stuff! I'm a big fan of Tintin and model railways so I'm keen to see how things develop. Enjoy your day.

    1. Hopefully there will be things of interest here in both these areas very soon.

  3. An interesting mix! I am all in favor of eclecticism. The big figures look like they could be fun to paint. A simple scheme possibly? Basecoats, one colour of shading applied thin and run out, pink cheeks etc. I'm looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with them.

    1. I have started the tall , very different to painting other stuff but we will see where it goes...

  4. I am painting the same TinTin set from 1st Corps at the moment, would be nice to find suitable figures to represent the Thompson twins.

    The resin building kit looks interesting.

  5. Small world indeed. The 1st Corps range is great fun,filled with delights awaiting painting and gaming
