Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Old box

This sits on the dresser/sideboard near my painting area. It is as bought and looks pleasing amongst the bits and pieces.
 I like the look of the cardboard box which speaks to me of a gentler age perhaps. I got it via eBay quite a few years ago and it has sat here on display ever since
The contents are as bought. I wonder if they were someone’s treasured toys or just bunged in prior to selling . Needless to say I imagine the former.
A collection of semi flat animals, people and scenery. Once the pride and joy of a nursery or bedroom, we will never know. Although I use them in some of my games I like to return them to the box afterwards, it seems the right thing to do.


  1. Rather nice collection of rural figurine .

  2. Beautiful and best kept together after games. I checked your label which means Birthday candle holder, so obviously not the same box. Waldorf on the box - appears to be Steiner school linked

    1. Steiner shops often sell lovely wooden figures and craft materials, your link reminded me of shops I used to go to in Edinburgh. I went to a Steiner influenced nursery pre school and I recall songs and movement about dwarfs and crafts too ( a wee mushroom shaped felt house as a string holder distributor through chimney like smoke) I think it started my life long fascination with the fantasy genre.

  3. Hi Alan- I've a similar Farm Box- it has my Briains Trees, Farmer, Sheep and a Britains-Ertl FORD Tractor...all 1/32nd. Recommend everyone should have a box to store a Toy Farm'. Cheers. KEV.

  4. Finds like these are very special.

    Best Regards,


  5. Delightful! At very least it looks like it should have come with toys in it. A good barn for the toys to sleep in.

  6. Charming indeed.

    Reminds me of one of the earliest set of toys I had, a farm with a barn and various farm animals and such. Albeit mine was not flats, but some sort of early 1960s US farm toy.

    1. It reminded me of my long gone Britains farm which seemed to get used in many toy soldier games all those years ago.

  7. I love the way you see yourself as a steward of that box, its contents, and what they might have once meant to others. Very touching. And a lovely set of toys Many thanks for sharing.

  8. The house is a Schneider model, model #103. See here:
    The figures and animals look like Schneider as well, but didn;t look them up specifically.
