Wednesday 17 February 2021

A Very Regency Civil War or rebasing figures with a view to a game..

 I am taking the chance to rebase and sort some old Napoleonic troops I got off eBay some time ago. They are all British, mainly Minifigs or Hinchcliffe with a few other makes. I want to use them with The Portable Napoleonic Wargame rules-

I have enough for gaming with and have no desire to spend money on French opponents. So what I am wondering about is a Very Regency Civil War..
I am looking for a backstory which will work up to 1820 or so. As ever all suggestions very welcome. Let’s see what we can come up with...



  1. Hi, Napoleon's brother Lucien was here as a POW 1810-1814 near Ludlow, and he had a lot of sympathizers....there were several senior Generals [Lefebvre-Desnoette was in Cheltenham]. I'm sure they could have stirred up some trouble.... Or how about an armed follow up to the Peterloo Massacre. Paul

    1. I thought of Peterloo too, it kick off some sort of rebellion, maybe some disaffected regiments would join it?
      Several other good ideas here, as well!

    2. Yes, loads of potential here. Liberal v conservative elements, but who would the commanders be ? I have been reading enjoyably about William iv and wondered if I might get him involved somewhere...

  2. Tradgardmastare,

    One idea that I thought about was a possible conflict arising from the ascension of Queen Victoria to the throne. There was quite a lot of feeling that she was too young (and possibly mentally unstable) to take on the role, and that her uncle - Ernest Augustus - should succeed in her place. In reality, he went on to become ruler of Hanover ... which Victoria could not due to the Salic Law which forbad female succession.

    All the best,


  3. Tricksy. The "Waterloo" shakp was only worn from 1812-1816 so the start can't be delayed too long. Lets say that after Napoleon wins decisively at Ligny then Waterloo and follows up by a crushing defeat over the Austrians. The allied coalition falls apart and peace is signed. Britain, left alone, is forced to go along. After all the great expenses, Parliament decides to reduce the army and navy and starts by disbanding all Scottish units and Irish units causing much discontent.

    Napoleon, once again Emperor, has found a descendent of James II who lands in the now discontented Scotland, declaring himself James IV and the regiments recently ordered to disband rally to his cause!

    1. Yip, limited by the figures indeed. Time indeed of the essence here or just not worry about the uniforms . Although I am no rivet counter I would find that very hard. North Britain revolting mixed with the heady joys of a Pretender...

  4. You could have an Irish mutiny. An episode of Sharpe had Major Ducault (sp?) plotting to stir up insurrection amongst the Spanish Regiment Irlanda and hopefully amongst Irishmen in the British Army too.
    Your brave Heelanders could be sent to put down the mutiny.

    1. A different but interesting view , lots of potential here too.

  5. Charles Edward Augustus Maximilian Stuart, Baron Korff, Count Roehenstart, aka the Even-Younger Pretender presses his claims to the British throne instead of swanning about European royal households, raising his standard and starting another Jacobite war and causing the Highland regiments to defect.
